Four ways professional fences improve your property

Go to any realtor website and a common suggestion they give would-be home sellers is to put up a fence. Century21 even puts it in their top 10: “The appearance of a fence adds value to the home overall. Buyers with children or pets will appreciate an enclosed backyard.” Even if you are not selling your home anytime soon, here are four more benefits Fence World of Milwaukee helps customers see:

1) Safety. An enclosed side or back yard gives children and pets a place to play safely. An added measure of safety is that it keeps dogs that might be biters away from people who might be bitten. If you have a pool, trampoline, or play equipment, a fence keeps trespassers from danger . If you have these pieces, a fence even might be required by your insurance policy, local ordinance, or both.

2) Security. Perimeter defense sounds like a Homeland Security sort of term, but marking the boundary of your property with a fence is an unwritten but clear warning to uninvited guests.

3) Privacy. We all know the neighbor who likes to peer across the yard to see what you're watching on TV or the passersby who want a peek at your grilling masterpiece. When you have a fence that blocks their view, you keep your home, your home. Without one, your own yard isn't quite the get-away it could be.

4) Noise reduction. If you live near a high-traffic area, a six-foot wooden fence is going to cut down traffic noise by as much as 10 decibels according to a recent article on This Old House. It might not entirely mute out the neighbor's noisy kids, Harley, or stereo, but 10db is a significant drop.

5) Pests. Any sort of wildlife, urban or suburban, friendly or not-so-nice can enter the yard without a fence. Sometimes leaving behind things you don't want to step in… a litter of offspring, garbage it was eating or something else unpleasant.

5) Upkeep. Fence World isn't going to argue that mowing and trimming is harder when you have a fence, but you do already have the equipment out. A good fence company is going to install a good fence, a great fence company is going to warranty its work. You'll be hard pressed to find a do-it-yourselfer who put up a fence with the lasting utility and durability Fence World does.

Photo by Marcel Derweduwen, used with permission.
